Source code for pycollocation.solvers.over_identified

Solvers for over-identified systems.

@author : davidrpugh

from scipy import optimize

from . import solvers

[docs]class LeastSquaresSolver(solvers.Solver):
[docs] def solve(self, basis_kwargs, boundary_points, coefs_array, nodes, problem, **solver_options): """ Solve a boundary value problem using the collocation method. Parameters ---------- basis_kwargs : dict Dictionary of keyword arguments used to build basis functions. coefs_array : numpy.ndarray Array of coefficients for basis functions defining the initial condition. problem : bvp.TwoPointBVPLike A two-point boundary value problem (BVP) to solve. solver_options : dict Dictionary of options to pass to the non-linear equation solver. Return ------ solution: solutions.SolutionLike An instance of the SolutionLike class representing the solution to the two-point boundary value problem (BVP) Notes ----- """ result = optimize.leastsq(self._compute_residuals, x0=coefs_array, args=(basis_kwargs, boundary_points, nodes, problem), **solver_options) solution = self._solution_factory(basis_kwargs, result[0], nodes, problem, result) return solution